From the 17 th to the 21st June our primary school students applied Computational Thinking Skills, learned within the Erasmus+ project, to create something useful for the people and environment.
Pupils, in particular, led by teachers have integrated concepts of computational thinking to design a smart trash bin with Arduino.
These are the steps of 15 hours of activity:
- Overview, Installation and configuration of the Arduino IDE
- decomposition of a control project of an LED into sub-components (power supply, LED programming, one-button control);
- Identification of common patterns in various Arduino projects (e.g. LED control, sensor reading, display use);
- Creation of functions for LED control and sensor reading and then writing a simple algorithm;
- Decomposition of the intelligent garbage bin design into components (proximity sensor, servo motor, control logic). Identification of common patterns (sensor reading, actuator control). Abstraction of the main functions (opening and closing of the lid);
- Design of the final algorithm for bin control and Construction of the Prototype and Presentation;
- Physical construction of the basket: assembly of components and final assembly;
- Assembly of the smart trash bin;
- Presentation of the project and discussion of the results.
The objective, beyond those mentioned above, is to show children how robotics is, as well as fun, of enormous importance to improve the life of the community and of our planet.