Report of Romania Mobility

During our visit to Romania, Targu-Jiu, we had various and enjoyable activities during our stay.


Day 1 Let’s Get to Know the City We Live in, Famous artist Constantin Brancusi

Students were welcomed at the host school with a welcome party. The traditional Romanian welcome ceremony was held. All students walked around the city to get to know Targu-Jiu. The first place they went to was “Table of Silence”. It was very impressive that it was built in memory of the soldiers who died in the first world war. The students showed respect to the works of art and their stories. “The Gate of the Kiss” was visited in the same park and its story was listened to by the students. The Gate of the Kiss is another iconic masterpiece by Constantin Brancusi – it is part of the Heroes Avenue Community commemorating the heroes of World War I.

This work consists of 2 columns with a kiss symbol on each of the 4 sides. 2 circles are divided in the middle but united. The students examined the works of art. The last work examined was “Infinity Column”, placed in a beautiful park in Târgu Jiu. This is one of the most famous works of art by the great Constantin Brancusi. On the first day, the students got to know the works of art found in Targu-Jiu. In the evening, the students went home with their families to meet. The teachers were included in the training by our Greek partner in computational thinking. At the end of the day, the teachers and students who had completed the training met in a country house where traditional Romanian food was eaten. A fire was lit and the students danced traditional dances. This was a very effective activity for them to get to know each other.

Day 2 Visit to Dance School

Students and teachers visited the dance school in the area together in the morning. They first watched traditional dances together and then learned the traditional Romanian danso “Hore da Mana” dance in the dance school. With this dance, they identified repetitive steps and found repetitive patterns in computational thinking. This was a good example for them of dance and algorithmic thinking. After the dance school, the students went up to Transalpina Mountain and examined traditional Romanian life and the decorations and patterns. After eating dinner, they returned home. The patterns and the repeating parts of the decorations were noted.

Day 3 Travel to Craiova and Museums

Students traveled to Craiova. Their first trip was to the “Oltenia Museum”. Here they saw traditional Romanian patterns and weavings. Students took photos of repetitive patterns and prepared a presentation in the evening. The second museum was “Craiova’s Art Museum”. They played a game in this museum. They matched some codes and works of art. They discovered how works of art are created and some art movements.

Day 4 Coding and Education

Students were grouped in mixed groups and received practical training with Robotic coding and scratch at the Romanian school. A car was designed and moved for all countries. Collaborative work was done during this process. Students learned to create code blocks in scratch. They learned computational thinking and repetitive code blocks during this process. They acquired collaborative work. In the afternoon, they had an appointment with the mayor of my city. The mayor gave information about the city and wished the project success. In the evening, students and teachers organized an entertainment night where traditional dances were performed. The whole team had the opportunity to get to know each other better. Traditional Romanian clothes were given as gifts and all the guests danced traditional dances with these clothes.

Day 5 Romanian Patterns

On the last day, students worked with traditional Romanian patterns. The patterns included repetitive patterns. Each student had a work kit and they all worked on their own patterns. Art and computational thinking activities took place in the event. At the end, each student was presented with their own work. Students tried working with needle and thread and progressing step by step. In the afternoon, there was a certificate ceremony. We concluded the week with good wishes. Students and families prepared for their return. Saying goodbye is always difficult, students had a great time with their families in a week.